Barcode Professional 14.0 for ASP.NET MVC & WebForms just released!

We’re proud to announce the new 14.0 release of Barcode Professional for ASP.NET MVC & WebForms!

This new Version 14.0 brings the following features:

  • New! Ultracode 2D Color Barcode
  • New! Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Code 39 Barcode
  • New! Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) QR Code Barcode
  • New! Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Data Matrix Barcode
  • New! Pharmacode 2-track Barcode
  • New! Added QRCodeMask property to specify the desired mask pattern
  • New! Added ArtModuleShape and ArtFinderShape properties. These allow to create artistic QR Codes like Google Chrome and other patterns like Rect, RoundRect, Dot, Circle, ZebraHorizontal, ZebraVertical, and Diamond!

You can download v14.0 from our website at

Barcode Professional 13.0 for ASP.NET MVC & WebForms just released!

We’re proud to announce the new 13.0 release of Barcode Professional for ASP.NET MVC & WebForms!

This new Version 13.0 brings the following features:

You can download v13.0 from our website at

WebClientPrint 6.0 for ASP.NET & PHP released with advanced multipage TIF and 30+ Image Formats support!

We’re proud to announce the brand new 6.0 release of our WebClientPrint solution for ASP.NET Core, MVC & WebForms and for PHP

What’s new in Version 6.0?

  • New! Added advanced Multipage TIF printing (Print as Grayscale, Rotation, Page Range, Duplex, Sizing, Auto Center, and Auto Rotate) through the new PrintFileTIF class.
  • New! Added native support for the following Image formats: Windows or OS/2 Bitmap File (*.BMP), Dr. Halo (*.CUT), DirectDraw Surface (*.DDS), ILM OpenEXR (*.EXR), Raw Fax format CCITT G3 (*.G3), Graphics Interchange Format (*.GIF), High Dynamic Range (*.HDR), Windows Icon (*.ICO), Amiga IFF (*.IFF, *.LBM), JPEG-2000 codestream (*.J2K, *.J2C), JPEG Network Graphics (*.JNG), JPEG-2000 File Format (*.JP2), Independent JPEG Group (*.JPG, *.JIF, *.JPEG, *.JPE), JPEG XR image format (*.JXR, *.WDP, *.HDP), Commodore 64 Koala format (*.KOA), Multiple Network Graphics (*.MNG), Portable Bitmap (ASCII) (*.PBM), Portable Bitmap (BINARY) (*.PBM), Kodak PhotoCD (*.PCD), Zsoft Paintbrush PCX bitmap format (*.PCX), Portable Floatmap (*.PFM), Portable Graymap (ASCII) (*.PGM), Portable Graymap (BINARY) (*.PGM), Macintosh PICT (*.PCT, *.PICT, *.PIC), Portable Network Graphics (*.PNG), Portable Pixelmap (ASCII) (*.PPM), Portable Pixelmap (BINARY) (*.PPM), Adobe Photoshop (*.PSD), Sun Rasterfile (*.RAS), RAW camera image (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, MOS, KDC, DCR, etc), Silicon Graphics SGI image format (*.SGI), Truevision Targa files (*.TGA, *.TARGA), Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF, *.TIFF), Wireless Bitmap (*.WBMP), Google WebP image format (*.WEBP), X11 Bitmap Format (*.XBM), X11 Pixmap Format (*.XPM).
  • New! Added support for num of copies for raw printer commands when using UserSelectedPrinter class.
  • Improved! Removed jQuery dependency.

Migration Guide

Further details

Barcode Professional 12.0 for ASP.NET MVC & WebForms just released!

We’re proud to announce the new 12.0 release of Barcode Professional for ASP.NET MVC & WebForms!

This new Version 12.0 brings the following features:

You can download v12.0 from our website at

WebClientPrint 5.0 for ASP.NET & PHP now available with Encryption, Password Protection and Advanced PDF, DOC & XLS Printing support!

We’re proud to announce the brand new 5.0 release of our WebClientPrint solution for ASP.NET Core, MVC & WebForms and for PHP This new Version 5.0 brings some excited features like advanced PDF, DOC & XLS printing support plus file content encryption and password protected files!

What’s new in Version 5.0?

  • New! All advanced PDF printing (Print as Grayscale, Print Annotations, Rotation, Page Range) in v4.0 that were available for Windows, now are available for macOS and Linux!
  • New! Added more PDF printing settings like Sizing (None & Fit), Auto Center, and Auto Rotate to PrintFilePDF class.
  • New! Printing Password-protected PDF files through PrintFilePDF class.
  • New! Added RSA-AES Encryption support for PDF, TXT, PNG, JPG/JPEG files to protect file content.
  • New! Added manual Duplex printing support for PDF files through PrintFilePDF class.
  • New! Added new PrintFileDOC class supporting *.docx, *.docm, *.dotx, *.dotm, *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf, and *.odt file formats. NOTE: For Windows clients only. Requires Microsoft Word 97+!
  • New! Support for printing Password-protected DOC files, and options like manual Duplex, Pages Range through the brand new PrintFileDOC class. NOTE: For Windows clients only. Requires Microsoft Word 97+!
  • New! Added new PrintFileXLS class supporting *.xl, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb, *.xlam, *.xltx, *.xltm, *.xls, *.xla, *.xlt, *.xlm, *.xlw and *.ods file formats. NOTE: For Windows clients only. Requires Microsoft Excel 97+!
  • New! Support for printing Password-protected XLS files, and Pages Range setting through the brand new PrintFileXLS class. NOTE: For Windows clients only. Requires Microsoft Excel 97+!
  • New! Added Duplex printing options (Default, Simplex, Vertical, Horizontal) to InstalledPrinter based on the built-in duplex support of the target printer.
  • New! Added “duplex” option to the jsWebClientPrint.getPrintersInfo(); javascript function to detect whether this feature is supported by client printers.
  • New! Added None option to TextAlignment enum for printing txt files as is i.e. without any alignment.
  • New! Added DeleteAfterPrinting property to PrintFile class. The file to be printed is downloaded to the client device and will be deleted after printing by default. Only applied to file formats which WCPP App can print without any external software dependency. Currently supported formats are PDF, PNG, JPG, TXT.


  • 32-bit WCPP Client for Mac and Linux are no longer supported. Only 64-bit WCPP apps are supported under macOS and Linux.
  • WebClientPrint is now built as a .NET Standard 2.0 Lib which means that ASP.NET 2.0 and 3.x are no longer supported. Being a .NET Standard Lib, now there’s a single WebClientPrint dll that can be used/referenced in classic/legacy ASP.NET WebForms and ASP.NET Core MVC. The minimum supported ASP.NET non-Core version is 4.6.1
  • SerialPortPrinter class does not longer references to System.IO.Ports enums for related properties and were changed to similar enums part of WebClientPrint assembly. System.IO.Ports.Handshake, System.IO.Ports.Parity, and System.IO.Ports.StopBits must be changed by SerialPortHandshake, SerialPortParity, and SerialPortStopBits respectivelly.

Migration Guide

Further details

ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 Updated – TextItem HideIfEmpty and ImageItem HideIfNotFound fixes

A maintenance release of ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 is available containing the following updates:

  • Fixed! TextItem Border is rendered even if HideIfEmpty is enabled.
  • Fixed! ImageItem HideIfNotFound was not honored when exporting labels to PDF or Image formats.

You can download and update the product by using the download link which can be found in the license email or in the Download section of our website.

The “Assembly Version” of the dlls have not changed but the “File Version”. Here is the list of the new “File version” attributes:

  • Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll patched to v8.0.19.401

ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 Updated – System.NotSupportedException CodePage 850 -Visual Artifacts in PDF output

A maintenance release of ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 is available containing the following updates:

  • Fixed! “System.NotSupportedException” in System.Private.CoreLib.dll – No data is available for encoding 850.
  • Fixed! Strange visual artifacts on the labels when exporting to PDF format.

You can download and update the product by using the download link which can be found in the license email or in the Download section of our website.

The “Assembly Version” of the dlls have not changed but the “File Version”. Here is the list of the new “File version” attributes:

  • Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll patched to v8.0.19.301

ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 Updated – New HideIfEmpty for TextItem and Barcode fixes

A maintenance release of ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 is available containing the following updates:

  • New! Added HideIfEmpty property to TextItem class to not display or print text if value to encode is null or empty.
  • Fixed! TLClientPrint failed to print ThermalLabelGroup collection.
  • Fixed! Printing from ASP.NET CORE apps failed with error “This platform does not allow the automatic selection of an algorithm.”
  • Fixed! PDF417 did not honor symbol size if either a number of Columns and Rows are explicitly specified.
  • Fixed! ISO/IEC 15434 Encoding in HIBC LIC and PAS 2D barcodes.
  • Fixed! GetCode93Checksum method of BarcodeUtils class.

You can download and update the product by using the download link which can be found in the license email or in the Download section of our website.

The “Assembly Version” of the dlls have not changed but the “File Version”. Here is the list of the new “File version” attributes:

  • Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll patched to v8.0.19.205
  • Neodynamic.Windows.ThermalLabelEditor.dll patched to v8.0.19.205
  • ThermalLabelWebEditor Javascript patched to ThermalLabelWebEditor-

ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 Updated – Nullable Type DataBinding support + White Text On Black background rotation fix

A maintenance release of ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 is available containing the following updates:

  • Improved! Nullable type support in data bidning scenarios.
  • Fixed! White Text On Black background was not rendered correctly with 90 or 270 degrees rotation.
  • Fixed! Bug in BarcodeItem when Sizing is FitProportional in data binding scenarios under both Windows and Web Label Editors.

You can download and update the product by using the download link which can be found in the license email or in the Download section of our website.

The “Assembly Version” of the dlls have not changed but the “File Version”. Here is the list of the new “File version” attributes:

  • Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll patched to v8.0.19.130
  • Neodynamic.Windows.ThermalLabelEditor.dll patched to v8.0.19.130
  • Neodynamic.Web.ThermalLabelEditor.dll patched to v8.0.19.130

ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 Updated – Bug fix for Insdustrial 2 of 5 and Code 128, improved Text justification for EAN & UPC

A maintenance release of ThermalLabel SDK 8.0 is available containing the following:

  • Fixed! barcode symbol rendering for Industrial 2 of 5.
  • Fixed! FNC special chars in barcode Code 128 encoding when explicit switching between Char Sets is used.
  • Improved! Text Justify Alignment for EAN and UPC barcodes.

You can download and update the product by using the download link which can be found in the license email or in the Download section of our website.

The “Assembly Version” of the dlls have not changed but the “File Version”. Here is the list of the new “File version” attributes:

  • Neodynamic.SDK.ThermalLabel.dll patched to v8.0.18.1115